Invited Talk: “Internet of Things Enhanced User Experience for Smart Water and Energy Management”, Predict 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Oct 2019.

Invited Talk: “Internet of Things Enhanced User Experience for Smart Water and Energy Management”, Predict 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Oct 2019.

January 10, 2020 Uncategorized 0

About Predict

Predict is Europe’s Leading Data Conference, covering data science, technology and the future. We believe in the power of predictive analytics to change the world.


We wanted to push the boundaries of traditional conferences and match how people really learn, connect and become inspired. Our focus in on great speakers, great content and great experiences. Each year has brought more real-world examples of predictive analytics at work.

We have seen every type of organisation find ways to leverage a new wave of technology and turn data into insights. What was once confined to large corporations with the resources to crunch data on an industrial scale is now in the mainstream. Projects that were commissioned and then left on the shelf are now being successfully executed. And scare stories about robots replacing humans have evolved into nuanced conversations about augmented intelligence rather than artificial intelligence.

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